One small kiwi provides our entire recommended daily intake of vitamin C, plus a shot of potassium, vitamin A, magnesium and iron. Despite their sweet taste, they are surprisingly low in sugar and their abundant fibres provide a natural counterbalance to the fructose. With more vitamin C than an orange, the health benefits of a kiwi are huge. Beyond its high concentration of vitamin C, it's brimming with antioxidants and phytonutrients, including carotenoids that strengthen our eyesight, polysaccharides that help our skin to stay youthful by synthesising collagen and it even contains serotonin that helps us get a good night's sleep.

A rich source of: vitamin C, vitamin A , potassium, iron, magnesium .

Kiwi fruit, flesh only, raw

Serving Size grams 120
Teaspoons of table sugar equivalent 2.3
Glycemic Index 53
Glycemic Load 6.4
Potential GI Range 53±6
Energy (kcal) 44
Energy (kJ) 185
Water (g) 85.4
Starch (g) 0.3
Total sugars (g) 8.3
Glucose (g) 3.6
Galactose (g) 0
Fructose (g) 4.5
Sucrose (g) 0
Maltose (g) 0.2
Lactose (g) 0
Protein (g) 0.8
Protein (g)/100kcal 1.8
Protein % of calories 7.3
Carbohydrate (g) 8.6
Carbohydrate (g)/100kcal 19.6
Carb % of calories 78.2
Fat (g) 0.9
Fat (g)/100kcal 2.1
Fat % of calories 18.4
Satd FA /100g fd (g) 0.1
Omega 3 /100g 0.4
Omega 6 /100g 0.1
Mono FA /100g food (g) 0.1
Poly FA /100g food (g) 0.5
Trans FAs /100g food (g) 0
Sodium (mg) 399
Potassium (mg) 119
Calcium (mg) 13
Magnesium (mg) 9
Phosphorus (mg) 32
Iron (mg) 1
Copper (mg) 0.1
Zinc (mg) 0.2
Chloride (mg) 616
Manganese (mg) 0.1
Selenium (µg) 0
Iodine (µg) N
Vitamin D (µg) 0
Vitamin E (mg) 1.3
Thiamin (mg) 0
Riboflavin (mg) 0.1
Niacin (mg) 0.3
Tryptophan/60 (mg) 0.3
Niacin equivalent (mg) 0.7
Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.1
Vitamin B12 (µg) 0
Folate (µg) 3
Pantothenate (mg) 0.3
Biotin (µg) 3.3
Vitamin C (mg) 2
Alcohol (g) 0
NSP (g) Non-starch polysaccharide 1.9
AOAC fibre (g) 2.7
Cholesterol (mg) 0
Retinol (µg) 0
Carotene (µg) 575
Retinol Equivalent (µg) 96