A source of minerals including boron,calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese,phosphorus, potassium, seleniumand zinc. Contains vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5 and vitamin C. Antioxidants in sage are said to reverse the signs of ageing such as wrinkles and fine lines. It's also said to be good for the hair. Researchers at the University of Viennain Austria found that its micronutrientshave strong anti-inflammatory properties.

A rich source of: boron, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium.

Sage, fresh

Energy (kcal) 119
Energy (kJ) 502
Water (g) 66.4
Starch (g) N
Total sugars (g) N
Glucose (g) N
Galactose (g) 0
Fructose (g) N
Sucrose (g) N
Maltose (g) 0
Lactose (g) 0
Protein (g) 3.9
Protein (g)/100kcal 3.3
Protein % of calories 13.1
Carbohydrate (g) 15.6
Carbohydrate (g)/100kcal 13.1
Carb % of calories 52.4
Fat (g) 4.6
Fat (g)/100kcal 3.9
Fat % of calories 34.8
Satd FA /100g fd (g) 2.6
Mono FA /100g food (g) 0.7
Poly FA /100g food (g) 0.7
Sodium (mg) 158
Potassium (mg) 97
Calcium (mg) 66
Magnesium (mg) 10
Phosphorus (mg) 71
Iron (mg) 0.3
Copper (mg) 0
Zinc (mg) 0.3
Chloride (mg) 257
Manganese (mg) 0.2
Selenium (µg) 2
Iodine (µg) N
Vitamin D (µg) 0
Vitamin E (mg) 1.3
Thiamin (mg) 0.1
Riboflavin (mg) 0
Niacin (mg) 0.7
Tryptophan/60 (mg) 0.4
Niacin equivalent (mg) 1.1
Vitamin B6 (mg) 0
Vitamin B12 (µg) 0
Folate (µg) 3
Pantothenate (mg) 0.2
Biotin (µg) 0.8
Vitamin C (mg) 37
NSP (g) Non-starch polysaccharide N
Cholesterol (mg) 0
Retinol (µg) 35
Carotene (µg) 20
Retinol Equivalent (µg) 38

Sage, dried, ground

Energy (kcal) 315
Energy (kJ) 1317
Water (g) 8
Starch (g) N
Total sugars (g) N
Glucose (g) N
Galactose (g) 0
Fructose (g) N
Sucrose (g) N
Maltose (g) 0
Lactose (g) 0
Protein (g) 10.6
Protein (g)/100kcal 3.4
Protein % of calories 13.5
Carbohydrate (g) 42.7
Carbohydrate (g)/100kcal 13.6
Carb % of calories 54.2
Fat (g) 12.7
Fat (g)/100kcal 4
Fat % of calories 36.3
Satd FA /100g fd (g) 7
Mono FA /100g food (g) 1.9
Poly FA /100g food (g) 1.8
Trans FAs /100g food (g) 0
Sodium (mg) 326
Potassium (mg) 82
Calcium (mg) 8
Magnesium (mg) 10
Phosphorus (mg) 39
Iron (mg) 0.7
Copper (mg) 0.1
Zinc (mg) 0.5
Chloride (mg) 37
Manganese (mg) 0.3
Selenium (µg) 5
Iodine (µg) 5
Vitamin D (µg) 0
Vitamin E (mg) 0.5
Thiamin (mg) 0.1
Riboflavin (mg) 0
Niacin (mg) 0.9
Tryptophan/60 (mg) 0.5
Niacin equivalent (mg) 1.4
Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.1
Vitamin B12 (µg) 0
Folate (µg) 6
Pantothenate (mg) 0.2
Biotin (µg) 0.8
Vitamin C (mg) 3
Alcohol (g) 0
NSP (g) Non-starch polysaccharide N
Cholesterol (mg) 0
Retinol (µg) 0
Carotene (µg) 56
Retinol Equivalent (µg) 9